Memorial Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
God's Love Grows Here!

Celebrate Recovery


Reaching for A Life Renewed !!!


is a place where anyone can find hope and healing

for any hurt, hang-up or harmful habit.

Each week we meet together for time of learning and testimonies, 

we then break up into smaller groups. 

Here you will find the support and care

you need to succeed in your personal journey.y.   


 The Purpose of Celebrate Recovery


We are here to encourage fellowship and to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives. 


What to Expect


The large group time at C/R allows us to set aside the busyness of everyday life

and focus on a time of vibrant worship, testimonies and teaching.

The small group is a safe place

to confidentially share your experiences, strengths and hopes, if you desire,

with others who also are struggling with hurts, hang-ups and harmful habits. 


When We Meet

Meetings temporially on hold



Click below to see what others say

about their C/R Experiences 





                             Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another,

  ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one. 

   C.S. Lewis

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May 2019                   What does it mean to Celebrate Recovery?

June 2019                 The CR Door

July 2019                  An Act of Nature

August 2019              H.O.P.E.

September 2019       You Too!  Me Too!

October 2019            A Trip Called Recovery

November 2019        A Rest

December 2019         Merry Christmas

January 2020            20/20 Vision

February 2020           A Leap of Faith

March 2020                The C/R Quiz

April 2020                   Powerless

May 2020                    The Vines of Our Lives

June 2020                   The Biblical Prescription for Change ... Wins !!

July 2020                     The Answer to How

August 2020                The Coolest People I Have Ever Met!

September 2020         A Story about a Snake, A Mouse and Help

October 2020              Co-dependency

November 2020         Looking Forward to God's Master Piece



If you would like more information, please feel free to call the office or
Cheryl Gowin at 434-808-2637
Dennis Gowin at 434-808-2426